FSC « Velikoretskiy » is available since August 1 – 6-th 2018.
Aids general restoration of functional state of the entire organism, strengthening of its defense powers, rising of the immunity;
Aids restoration and support of water-salts and mineral elements exchange (enhances assimilation of vitamins and trace elements);
Poses beneficial influence at the cardio-vascular system performance (aids improvement of heart muscle nutrition, strengthening of muscle layer, prophylaxis of infarction and inflammatory diseases of the heart, heart rhythm violations);
Aids harmonization of the nervous system, poses light sedative action, levels emotional outbursts;
Aids normalization of lymph and blood flow, organism detoxication, increases oxygenation (oxygen content in blood);
Ads improvement of pulmonary system organs in cases of various diseases of upper respiratory passages, bronchi and lungs;
Aids strengthening of the bone and muscle systems, loco-motor apparatus;
Aids increasing of muscles volume in case of cardio-loads when doing sports and fitness;
Aids normalization of vision due to the restoration of eyes-moving and internal muscles of the eyes, improvement of arteries, capillary performance, could be used for prophylaxis of the retina detachment.
Con-joint use of FSCs «Velikoretskiy» and «Balance» poses effective influence at pancreas in case of second type diabetes.
Polarization of water from a sacred spring named in honor of Nikolay the Miracle-worker in the village Velikoretskoe near Kirov city is recorded at this FSC.
Time of water structuring at FSC «Velikoretskiy» is not less than 55 minutes. Con-joint use of FSCs «Velikoretskiy» and «Balance» poses effective influence at pancreas in case of second type diabetes.